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So for a second I thought that I'd do a pic of Mark and the crew as Pirates and use that for both the patreon exclusive and my entry to the Hentai Foundry contest going on, but looking at me schedule I realize that I have time to do a real exclusive. The first pic of Mark and Cadence being intimate was fun, as was the Sci-Fi piece, so what's next? Keep in mind it doesn't have to be Mark and the gang, it can be of anything.



Though this isn't technically of Mark and the gang, what about some of those dirty fantasy novels that Cadence is always reading? I'm sure that there could be some kind of juicy, dirty, fantasy sexings that she's reading and fantasizing about. Perhaps herself in the place of the main character, front and centre of an orgy/gangbang with dwarves. I'm playing Dwarf Fortress right now. Dwarves are kinda on my mind.


I'm interested in seeing Keye getting pounded. I feel like that has some potential.


Mark and the gang on a quest in a dungeon of some sort or something featuring Briar or Key.

Sarah Grimlock

should TOTALLY have my character, Sarah Grimlock, as the pirate cook ;D


I got something coming out the next couple days to that affect, so something else.


I've gotten a couple people saying dwarves. But what if we focus it a bit. I immediately thought of the dwarves from Lord of the Rings, or the Hobbit, what if I did an all female version of either party?


You mean like an all-female version of Thorin Oakenshield and his companions?


Well, I like Mark and Gang as exclusive as they are the "brand of the house" but the idea of Sexy Dwarves is pretty amazing, i mean, compared to the Elfs and Orcs, there are very little on sexy dwarves out there, so I add myself to the idea. The idea of making it based on a all female version of an existing cast sound good, but you can also do a picture with the common class stereotypes (A warrior, a Rouge, a Mage, a Cleric) adding some Dwarf flavour (Gunslinger, Blacksmith, Berzerker).


Maybe that would be more fun, doing a series of female dwarves as various classes.


What about a Gardiens of the Galaxy thing? No idea what yet... XD


i would love to see a cross over between your dragon born and the mark gang


If you are going for Dwarves my good sir, might I through in my dwarven mage into the mix XD, she was a minx with magic with a focus on....SHAPING conjuration, making things into more interesting forms Wall of Stone, Black tentacles, grease , you name it battlefield comfort...aaah...control was her thing be it in a fight or in the bedroom.


I like this idea very much. Mark fucking Lydia and Dragonborn fucking Cadence while Mark and D-Born high five?


I don't know if I really want to do a Dragonborn/Mark crossover yet. I wanna save that for some reason. What if I did Mark and the gang in other re-casting? Like I did with the sci-fi piece, except I could do them as something else. Sexy high school. Police officers. Sexy hospital. I don't know.


I thought the dwarf character classes idea had gained some traction, but I'd vote for sexy high school/university Mark&co. if you go that way.


We can still do the Dwarf thing, but I can through a halfling in there to. Actually, maybe I should do a mixed party of Dwarf, Gnome, and Halfling as three different classes, like warrior, rogue, and mage or something. I could do a goblin too. Maybe all the shorties . . . or shawties . . . or whatever kids are saying.


A few thoughts: In LotR, canonically female dwarves when in (typically heavy) clothing were hard to tell from male ones. What if Thorin(a) & Co. were the weird bunch they were because they all had the same secret? ... Which makes the frustrated wizard inviting them to all have what he could guess would end as a rowdily drunken party at Bilbo's place have a *whole* different vibe :) "We shan't get through the business till late, and we must have some music first." ... "Humph! Will he do?" "I have chosen Mr. Baggins and that ought to be enough for all of you. ... There is a lot more in him than you guess, and a deal more than he has any idea of himself. You may (possibly) all live to thank me yet." "There is one point that you haven't noticed, and that is the secret entrance." "It seems a great big hole to me" "...none of us liked the idea of the Front Gate." "Fathers would beg us to take their sons.. and pay us handsomely... leisure to make beautiful things just for the fun of it, not to speak of the most marvelous and magical toys..." "And well, don't you know, I think we have talked long enough for one night, if you see what I mean. What about bed, and an early start, and all that? I will give you a good breakfast before you go." This could also put a different light on the comment about the dragon smelling the dwarves and recognizing them, but not Bilbo. On another tack, the "mixed short stack" adventuring party also has considerable promise... assembled for a mission in a dwarven-scale dungeon, perhaps? "Five feet high the door and three may walk abreast" is not only too small for a dragon, but would be seriously back-sprain-inducing for your typical heroically tall adventurers. Or perhaps they need to sneak in and plunder the maze lair of a minotaur who is too large to get back out, but manages to do some plundering back to balance the score. (If things go well, they might decide they need to make multiple trips back in to get all the plunder(ing) they can handle.) Dwarf warrior, gnome artificer, halfling druid, goblin rogue?


that's a lot to digest. I mean, this pic is just going to be a single image, not a comic or anything, and if we are doing the 'shorties' I already have a joke for it, if that's the route we go.


Sorry buddy, but this image won't be having anyone else's OCs in it, just to make it fair. But one of these months I could do a big splash thing of every OC for Archdukes and Princes maybe.