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Ugh. I don't know what I'm doing. Young Justice won my last poll, but my idea for another "Cometh" doesn't really work in this setting, so I don't know what I'm doing, or if I'm going to continue with this. My idea for it (which would be long), is that I'd show 3-4 pages of various Titans characters having a fun, sexy, carefree time at the beach, like the fan-service episode of an anime. But then, some villain intervenes. It would either be Lobo (if in-universe), or the Guardians of the Galaxy (if a crossover). The interloper would have a warrant for Starfire's arrest back from her home-planet, which is ruled by her sister, Blackfire. The Titans would try to defend Starfire, but the interlopers would beat them all up, strip them naked, humiliate a few of them, and Starfire would get the worst of it, before being dragged off, naked and catatonic, back to her sister to get tortured and humiliated some more. 

I'm just not sure if it's worth my time. It might be better just to draw random one-shots of various titans fighting various villains. Those might be more popular, and less burned by story. I don't know. 




I love how much CAKE they all have, lol! Even my boy Nightwing is double cheeked-up with HELLA ass! Yours is truly gift, Mark Day🙏🏻


Your gift for thicc anatomy is immaculate🤌🏻

skyler j ayer

I feel like your idea is still good just not a "cometh" story you could still do lobo but if i could give my 2 cents maybe psimon? Or the light?


I feel like you worry too much about story sometimes with these comics. It’s good to have standards but I feel like you’re too hard on yourself sometimes

Wild Bill

Mmm, Miss Martian looks hella cute. And the jean shorts look that Supergirl has going on is amazing, always love those.


Exactly, like why worry about if people won’t like it when people say they want it?

Master Dragon

Looks good, I like the idea of Lobo. I think he'd have a good time with Raven and miss martian. But ya take it easy on yourself. You do a great job on all your art.


Throwing my two cents on the stories, and trying to make this interesting for you —so you have more fun writing and drawing it— consider Trigon/Darkseid using their own powers/devices to corrupt/bimbofy the titans: it’s not that Lobo comes out of a contract… But just because it’s Star and Raven’s daddy-for-a-day, while M’Gann is being indoctrinated by some horny version of the Anti Life equation… I mean, let’s brainstorm it together until you feel really pumped up to continue it because you’re super engaged for it ;)


Honestly, I've been following your work for a few years now and everything you have created has been great. If you think you don't know what you're doing, you underestimate yourself entirely. You had this idea, continue with what you think it would have looked like and see where it takes you. You might surprise yourself


Love the idea for the story! Don’t doubt yourself