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Holy shit, I am actually really happy with the way this one came out. I am genuinely happy with the background even, and I hate drawing backgrounds. I still don't consider sci-fi or futuristic stuff to be my thing though, I prefer swords and sorcery and all that. Also, on HF there is a Pirate contest going on right now. Is everyone cool with the idea that instead of doing an exclusive for Patreon I do another one of these with the cast as Pirates. I have a funny idea that involves Mark meeting a mermaid. Also, I like this one so much that I don't think I can keep it exclusive for long. In a month or so I want to put this on HF and DA. If anyone is super offended by this let me know, and maybe I'll do another exclusive to make compensate.




Pretty cool, i liked how they keep their style. If you liked so much you can mate it public, no problem On my side. Many thanks for the cool stuff and good luck with the pirates

Antonio B.

I don't any issue myself, it looks just fantastic.

A. Michael Liska

I like 99% of it, but just some constructive criticism, Keye kinda looks like he has a camel toe instead of a small package


I cannot seem to click on it nor save it. I am the sads.


I like it, though I have to agree that it looks like Keye has a camel toe instead of a small package. Still, really good, and seeing pirate Mark and gang would be sweet, so I say go for it.


Love that mermaid!

Sarah Grimlock

Awesome! You should totally make my character a cook on the pirate crew :P


I'll put it in next months cache, along with all the prelim sketches and stuff, plus a higher res version


Not offended at all - quite the opposite really. I've never loved the idea of exclusive pics. Kinda undermines what Patreon is supposed to be about, y'know? So for what it's worth, you have my blessing. :D


I don't have any problem with either right now. Of course that maybe just me being happy with the submarine pirate captain.