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The top art is actually from a few years ago, but I never used it for anything. I think it's back from another time I got really bored with myself, and I thought about making Cadence the main character, with Mark as the foil. The bottom section was drawn recently. 




This is hilarious XD


This might just be bias from someone following your art for years now, but I have to say that the upper picture looks better by comparison. The lighting and shading just does it for me and highlights the curves and muscles nicely.

Wild Bill

She looks positively gorgeous there! 😍 And yeah, she kind of *does* seem the type to ignore advice because she doesn't like where it's coming from.


I mean, what changed really? I admit my knowledge of art and drawing is limited at best, so what goes into a style and what the reasons for changing it are...well, thats not always apparent to me. Is something keeping you from going back to that style or is it a matter of practicality/productivity? Are you more comfortable with your current output?


It's not a choice. I can't actually control what I draw. I just kinda 'zone out' and let it happen. It's bizarre to me that anyone can consciously control what they're drawing.