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I should have said this yesterday, on Thanksgiving, but I am very grateful to all of you for supporting me, especially when I go through some uncreative periods. I've got one commission to finish (I really did burn-out this month), and once that's done I intend to use December as a month of experimentation. Some of it could be NSFW, but some of it'll just be random shit. Cringe jokes. Obscure references. I still want to draw, I just want to draw different stuff. P0rn got boring. I'm bored of it. I close my eyes when I masturbate now. I still want to draw lots of nudity and sex, but not necessarily in an erotic context. 

So, thanks! December will have content, but it might be "off brand" or whatever. I don't blame anyone for jumping ship, it's your money, and I'll eventually earn those people back.   




So long as you don’t burn yourself out. So many of my favorite artists have either vanished or worse died so just make sure to take care of yourself especially your mental health.


I feel like getting to hear your thought process even during the uncreative times is artistic content provided on your part (even if you mightn't see it that way), so thanks for always being so candid.