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Hey everyone! I'm gonna take a break for about a week, but when I get back in early October I intend to have a couple more pages of Mara done. I'm actually really enjoying my little sword-and-sorcery story, and I'm gonna stick with it for another month at least. I know what I want to do with it, I just need to do the work to actually draw it. I kinda wish I was an AI, and I could just snap my fingers, and make this stuff instantly. But whatever. I'm excited about where I'm going with Mara. 

I REALLY hope that nothing bad happens before then. I really hope WW3 doesn't happen, or anything like that. Stay safe everyone. Make good choices. Yadda yadda. Thanks for the support, and I PROMISE that there will be more art like this. It won't just be my Mara stuff. Mara is for me, the smut is for you! 



Wild Bill

The teacher's outfit is a bit over-the-top for my tastes. She hot tho. The two little sluts are great, especially the blonde one. She's smoking hot. And the depressing thought is that maybe we're already *in* WW3, and we just don't realise it yet.