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Alright knights and above, I want to know what you want to see for the next installment of exclusive Patreon art. This will be a pinup or whatever that can be seen here but not anywhere else. Keeping kinda close to my concerns about material, I want it to be something rated R without being NC-17. So . . . another Mark thing? How about a pinup of Briar doing something? Of of the Mark cast dressed in a different context, like if they were sci-fi characters? This is pretty vague I realize.



Having them dressed in scifi costumes is an interesting concept or some new characters from the mark universe would be cool. Seeing your different designs of fantasy classes and creatures is always interesting.

Sarah Peterson

I agree! I think seeing your take on some sci fi outfits would be very cool.


My good sir, the world of SCI FI is vast and contains immense variety. I would also agree that this sounds completely amazing and desire to see your cast as the best they can be on the sci fi screen.


Also vote for Sci-Fi, even then I would prefer something more on "Cyber-punk" line instead of the "Space conquest", but that is only personal preference, the idea is pretty cool.


Since Sci-Fi seems to have a nice step ahead, I'll vote for something else XD. Briar in pin-up mode sounds cool too. Cheers


Sci-Fi is the Tits

Sarah Grimlock

Sci-Fi does sound pretty awesome! :3


Might be too late to throw my hat in the ring, but I vote Briar sci fi pin up, with some people frozen in carbonite behind her! That just sounds like it would be her style to me lol


I'm probably going to do a Sci-fi spread now. Something that has all four characters. I really like Warhammer 40k so I think at least Mark and Cadence will have that look but Briar will be something more of a skintight suit or something.


Mark the Imperial guard 'blessed' by the emperor, Cadence the Sister of battle that finds it hard to keep her vows to her...emperor. Briar...frack Dark eldar or Assassin of the Callidus class...just a few suggestions. And that isn't even going into the potential for CHAOS corruption.