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First payments have come through and I am a much more fulfilled pervert than I was before. Thank you everyone. WARNING: For the July 4th weekend my folks are going to be visiting me. They may want to see my patreon page to know what I've been up to, so I may temporarily change my name to something stupid like ABC or ABN or something, and I'll change the banner to something cute and innocuous. If for the next couple days it look like that don't freak out.



Haven't come out of the hentai pornographer closet eh?


Please take a screen shot of the fake page incase some of us misses it. :D


haha. noooo. Actually a few of my friends know, but I will never actually show them any of the h I've ever drawn. All my family knows is that I am drawing for some money on the side.


I see...stealth mode activated!


SFW art and posts incoming. My body is ready! Please Mark's folks, don't find out.