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Sorry if last month felt kinda unproductive. I was feeling experimental about trying out a new character, and for some reason simple exercise like that totally sap my energy, and then I spent about five days doing absolutely nothing but sleeping and playing two video-games; Elden Ring and Conan Exiles. It was actually a very wonderful week. I love sleeping. I have great dreams. I also have two cats that'll almost always curl up on the bed when I sleep, and for some reason their presence makes me especially relaxed. I think cats might be 'sleep demons' or something, because if I see one of them sleeping on my bed, I'll suddenly feel drowsy, and I'll take a nap. I feel very lucky that I'm still living such a laidback lifestyle. 

I feel like this month will be more productive. I'm gonna try and 'silence my ego' for once, which means drawing more commissions, instead of trying to make my own ideas work. I still want to try out making a female MMA OC, like a female fighting character who lives in a very stereotypical fighting-game setting, so I can make sex-jokes based on those tropes. I'll probably hold that off till next month though. 

Thanks everyone! I'm grateful for another month of skirting by as an internet artist, which ia very ideal and enviable job, compared to much of the world right now. 




I did like The Batman Bane, he wasn’t the mindless brute or dumb strong guy that he’s currently portrayed as now in media. That being said the guy was only the focus in like 1-2 episodes

Sleepy Dave

A few things... 1. Loving the piece. Bane needs more lovin (and it looks like he's about to get quite a bit here 😈) 2. Yes, cats are in fact avatars of the God of Relaxation. 3. Very much looking forward to this MMA OC idea. I love fighting games (even though I suck at them) and the entire genre is just dripping with tropes to be mocked.


That’s supposed to be the standard for Bane’s character, he supposed to be calculating and tactical.


I know and it annoys me when the shows, movies, or games are lazy and just make him a strong dumbass.