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I'm gonna make one more page, and then try to finish my commissions. I think four-page bursts are the best way to move through this. That way I can actually focus on trying to a decent coherent story, without distracting myself with more tasks than my coomer-brain can handle. Lol. 

What title should this comic have? "Mara Khatun" "Mara the Barbarian" or "Mara the Marauder." I kinda like Marauder just because it has 'Mara' in it. Maybe that's too on the nose. 




Nice😍 Waiting for whole comics, I hope it will not be short)

Master Dragon

How about Marauder Khatun the Barbarian? That way Mara is her nickname.


Dude that is some well drawn goodness there holy shit!


and it would be 'Terminator-RIFIC" if she walked up and said "I need your clothes, your weapons, and your man-servant"... and then she wiped those bitches out!

Wild Bill

I seriously love her face in that third panel. You've really captured how incredibly *fucked up* she is on that Basilisk venom.

John Smith

Mara the Marauder and Mara Khutan. You already used Mark the Barbarian and since these characters are not connected. I would not reuse that to prevent confusion for your lead characters. Khutan can be the region where she is from or her clan or tribe whereas Marauder would be her epitaph.


I'm keeping lots of 'end points' in mind. Like, this comic could end right after she defeats these two barbarians girls, and takes their slaves as her own. It'll be enough to introduce Mara's personality and strength. BUT, I almost kinda want to make this a never ending project. I could just keep adding pages to it forever, and see where the story naturally develops.


It's just awkward, because Khatun is a title she'll earn. It means 'queen.' Calling her something like 'The Marauder Khatun' does work.

John Smith

Ah you doing the old King Conan or Queen Sonja? Fair enough. Either one works then I would not use Barbarian. I think any combo works then Mara Khatun, Mara the Marauder or Marauder Khatun.


Cool) It would also be cool if she was in Mark's world. It seems to me that there is much more to be said about the travels of Mark and Cadance. Perhaps their battle with Queen Tamora, really looking forward to the continuation of these comics. Thank you for making us happy with your arts👍

John Smith

Since this is Conan Inspired...think we can get a genderbent Zula expy as one of Mara's companions.

Master Dragon

Well Marauder queen does sound like a badass title for her. Just for now Call her Mara then when she earns it Marauder Khatun would be her new name. or something like Mara-uder then just short it to the Marauder