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Well, here is the first Patreon Exclusive piece of art I've made; Cadence and Mark finally having a tender moment. I guess the story is that they've just looted a dungeon of treasure and are eager to celebrate, but new danger looms just beyond the bend. Not sure if this piece was a good time to experiment with backgrounds or not. I really suck at these. Not only are my proportions off but the coloring is never balanced, and i get impatient. I can draw people and characters for hours without getting bored, but a tree or a hill and I'm bored after five seconds. What do ya'll think?




I love this piece! It's sexy as hell. I think you did a fine job with the background here. Perhaps the more you draw them, the more you'll be able to enjoy them. At the very least, for your effort here, the background really fits the scenario.


thanks, I probably spent more time on that than anything else, and coloring it was kind of a bitch. I jest kept putting on layer after layer of shading, and then lowering the opacity until it was barely visible, and I still ended up with that problem that certain sections look like they got way more attention than others. Sometimes that isn't bad. One thing they tell you is that you can spend a lot of time on the face and ignore a lot of the rest of the body, because the eye is draw to the a person's face the most anyway.


background is not bad, very nice work on the foreground tho :D.


I think is fair that the first piece is Cadence and Mark, I just love the freckles. The background is ok, I like the "gallery"in the woods since its a funny idea.


Tbh. im glad your backgrounds are the way they are, they don't distract from the naughty things occurring in the foreground. yet you dont need to strain to notice what is in the background. its a good balance.

Sarah Peterson

How cute! This actually seems like a tender moment where nothing has gone wrong (yet). I like the change of pace.


Looks like a boggy, a skeleton and a winged temptress are about to attack


I really like it. But I'm not really qualified to offer any more robust artistic commentary XD It's actually incredibly awesome to see a semi-sweet tryst with Cadence and Mark.

Sarah Grimlock

Good job! Not exactly my type of thing :P but very well done indeed. Back when i used to draw i hated doing backgrounds as well, so what i did was try to include a little something here and there so i didn't get bored. Much like you did here. But as i am sure you know practice makes perfect!


Cadence certainly looks to be enjoying herself. It's nice to know that she gets to have some fun without always getting spanked, whipped, or tied up and dominated by aggressive ladies with huge strap-ons. :) I think the background's fine.


This is gorgeous <3