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I'm excited for this one. I love fights. I love imagining different characters fighting, and thinking about who would win under what circumstances. As a kid, the best conversations were always "Who would win? King Kong or Godzilla? Freddy or Jason? Sailor Moon or Wonder Woman?" Stuff like that. 

I think this is the first One Piece I've ever drawn. 




Oh this is gonna be good, this is one of those fights where outcome doesn’t matter so much as the sexiness it will generate.


I think Nico is going to win, but yeah. I'm not good at power-levels. I like fighting games, even if it's never explained why Robin can slap around Superman, or whatever. I just want her to use her hands in interesting ways.


I’d probably give it to Robin as well especially post time skip Robin. She can sprout 1000 limbs at once and is trained in Fish-man Karate. Not to mention I’m like 90% sure she can make a giant version of her body. Plus Robin has more “Step on me Mommy” energy than Hancock does…One Piece is my current/ever present obsession.


Love the outfit of Boa. She and Nico are both fanservice galore, so this should be fun. Nico Robins power has so much perversion-potential and Boa Hancocks own power is based on more or less her raw sex-appeal, if I remember correctly. Oh, japan....never change...

Matthias Zimmermann

making SFW of the One Piece babes is impossible^^ they radiate sexyness


Looks awesome so far, man. Big fan of these outfits!


Love this art! Can’t wait to see more One Piece stuff from you


Loving this! Looking more to more OP fights and creative use of Nico Robin's powers.