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Hey, y'all. I've been dealing with a mild art-block for a while now. I think my content has been fine in quality. I'm pretty happy with how the Arcane and Raya comics came out recently, but I'm moving very slowly, and I think it's because I've got some ideas rattling around in my head that just do NOT relate to erotica (that's a pretentious word for 'porn'). 

Sometimes I think of a joke that's so funny I want to say it, and I force it into porn, but I've got some jokes that are just nasty and stupid (and offensive), and about niche historical topics I find amusing. Did you know there were tantrikas in India who would eat human flesh and drink human blood? That's not a racist stereotype, that shit happened, and some people say it still happens. Did you know Scotland once tried to colonize Panama? Yeah, it didn't work, but it's funny to me that the jocks tried. I want to make random little vulgar comics about these things, some of which are REALLY gross. Some of them might be offensive, because shit happened in history, and people have feelings about it, but shit. 

I need to get these idea out of my head, so I'm starting as SFW Twitter account soon, and maybe on any webtoons sites I can figure out, I don't know. I need to get a few ideas out of my head. I don't think I'm going to put them here. Not on this Patreon. This is 'Mark Day,' my other name will be 'Mark Night,' or something uncreative like that. 

I'm just letting you know, that if it feels like there is less content here next month, it's because I'm working on some SFW comics that will not appear here. I'll link them, if you're curious, but I want to keep 'Mark Day' and 'Mark Night' separate. Maybe I can set-up a second Patreon for the alter ego, if it gets popular (I have no idea if Patreon even allows you to have multiple accounts, shit). 

Happy New Years, guys! Hang in there! I think 2022 is going to be a great year for all of us. We're all gonna get hired, get rich, and get laid. It's gonna be great. We'll all be living like the Devas on Instagram, and not like the Pretas on Twitter. 



Link them please I don’t have a twitter anymore


Could also make a second Newgrounds account or just post all the sfws to your regular newgrounds account

Columba of Tiberius

You do what you need to do to be satisfied with your art.

Master Dragon

Nice, wish you well. And the last part with the Job, get rich and laid. Keep thinking rodney dangerfield would say that if he did the sequeal to caddy shack.

Wild Bill

I'm pretty sure Patreon are fine with multiple accounts for different projects, so long as you're not trying to evade a ban or something.


This will certainly improve your art and dialogue