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This is mostly for my information, so I'm opening the poll for everyone. I'm just curious about what you're more interested in seeing from me next couple months (Nov, Dec). 

-Mark. You should all know him by now. Half-dwarf, mostly for telling jokes. I don't actually find this character attractive, honestly. He's supposed to be ridiculous. Part of which is because I never thought my drawings were actually sexy. 

-Rocky. Same as Mark. He just exists in our world rather than a fantasy world, so he bangs Milfs and thots. I'm the LEAST interested in this character, because I get really bored drawing 'real world' characters. If I can't put in a sword, or a fantasy outfit, I just don't want to draw at all. I'm already working on a big comic for someone that takes place in a school, and I'm struggling, because I don't know what a school even looks like. I don't know what's recognizably 'real' because I don't have much of a life, so I don't see those things. 

-Brule. Kee-Va's boyfriend. Here's the actual difference. If I focused on Brule it would not be to tell any jokes, it would be just to draw actual sexy characters having actual sexy-sex. Brule and Kee-Va are the closest thing I've ever drawn to what actually turns me on, but it's just their 'idea' that does it for me, because my drawings are not up to snuff. Brule pictures would still be barbarian themed, but they'd just be random "Brule encounters _____, and fucks it/her/him into submission." Brule is mostly silent. This would serve as my actual  Conan-style OC. Whereas Mark is a parody of Conan, Brule is a simulacrum. 



I'm voting for Mark less because of any real love of Mark over the other two but because I like Cadence.


I want more rocky but you put him against Brule... Com'On man...

Master Dragon

Brule cuz then they'd be more Cavegirl pics. Plus Keeva is a babe.


I’d vote for mark if he went back to being muscular but otherwise I pick brule