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I honestly don't mind the character model looking like a Ann Coulter on testosterone (because I could still sexualize that), I just hate the 'Corporate Puritanism' which has to remove offensive elements from games to maximize their product's viability to the general market. It's conformity, and I hate it. The original game had ass, dicks, and titties, and they took them out. Imagine taking the thesis out of an artwork, because someone somewhere is offended by something. Diablo 2 was Heavy Metal, not PG-13. I'm fine with the Amazon looking like William Dafoe, as long as she's wearing a thong. 




It’s neo-puritanism: we live in a parallel universe that describes “what if The Scarlet Letter” had the power of current technology and social media reach 😓 I expect it to crash the same way than in the book, but still it’ll be a bit of a way until that… And it’ll be a heavy crash for everyone. PD: Wilhelm Dafoe in only a thong is now replacing Pinhead as the main character in my deepest nightmares. 🤯🤮


Well looked on the Blizzard forum, we might have a chance that the models will be changed. Seems they have read the feedback and are acknowledging the feedback. On a side nite at least the Assasin and Sorceres arnt bad looking.

Julian Fratzscher

Wilhelmia the Foe, I see what you did there.^^ Also, if Blizzard doesn't budge, there are enough fans that could screw together some visual modding.


For the love of pizza... NO MORE dick spearing... yikes.


I hope so. I'll get it, once there's a modding community. I love modding communities. I've probably downloaded a full terabyte of stuff from Fallout Nexus.

Verixa Okblek

Wilhelmia the Foe really does describe the face they gave the amazon On the description... Well thats the kicker... the general market DOESNT like these changes, & they're actually done to appeal to a tiny market of screechy political loons, Most of which dont buy it anyway, despite screaming so loudly for the changes, so these corps keep losing money. xD


HOW DARE YOU MARKY !!!! that picture caused me somes troubles and hurt ! ^^ am i alone to think that ?