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I have not felt very on my game this week. I've felt really out of it, and I think my art has been getting sloppy again. I'm really grateful for these commissions to work on because I feel like all of my stuff is painfully mediocre right now. I'm trying to just work through it. I'm kinda experimenting on the side. Hopefully I'll have something to show for it. 




This is AWESOME @MDS! Hope you draw more like this in the future!


You good, man? Seems like each update, you’re barely hanging in there


Nobody sees these flaws as clearly as you. Please keep that in mind. To me, every time I see a new one of your works I’m happy. They’re great. Keep trying to improve, because it’s always important to be working toward improvement, but bear in mind that we will always like your art more than you do yourself. You’re killing it bro.


@MDS Please believe me when I say you have "IT". You are one of my favorite artists. I honestly talk about you and your art ALL the time to my wife and friends. Your art inspires me to keep going myself (I am teaching myself to draw) and I legitimately feel excitement when you post something new and when I find a new picture I have never seen from you out on the internet. I really hate that you get down on yourself so much, I know there is nothing I can say that will really help but I want you to know I am one of your biggest fans, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your imagination and your art! I have an area of my wall in my office where I hope to have some commissioned art works from you.


Thanks. I'm surprised that you're more open about my art than I am. I don't share it with anyone IRL. I feel bad for you wife and friends though, I feel like I'm a weird artist to get exposed to.


I really want to drive home that I am not just being nice, and I am not blowing smoke up your chimney. I am really a huge huge fan and I get SO excited looking at your art. I hope you can pull yourself up out of this rut and keep on moving forward. We are all our own biggest critique but man you make such great stuff but you are just so hard on yourself.