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She does look a lot like Captain Marvel to me, but Superheroes do overlap a lot. I saw this on Twitter and I actually really like it. I think the actress is cute and I like her body. It's also a bit of a warm-up sketch for my Kee-Va stuff, since she and her daughter are both going to have this sort of build. 




She looks sexy.


I think it looks fine in real life, but you definitely drew her cuter and more muscular here, what im saying is i like the drawing


Reminds me a lot of the Depictions of the Lois Lane Supergirl(Superwoman?).

John Smith

COstume needs more Red

Wild Bill

She looks really hot per se, but I hate these modern redesigns especially when they are completely unrecognisable from the classic character designs. If you hate a character that much, why not just make a new character rather than changing an existing one?


I think there's a lot of 'market research' the leads to bad art. A room full of business-majors probably thought that getting an established character was a good way for some guaranteed returns, but then changing it also makes it look new, which should also have guaranteed returns, but they don't realize that the ideas aren't necessarily complimentary. I refuse to believe that there is a single 'woke' person in Hollywood. They're just doing what they think gets those returns. If lynching people made money, they'd be lynching people right now.


I don't know who this is, specifically. I'm so confused about when Power Girl is or is not supposed to be Supergirl, bla bla bla, multiple timelines, bla bla bla.


Yea I got curious and found Justice Guild (Earth11) the Amazon World Order, with Wonderman. And then there's the DC Reborn when she and Lana both got powers after Superman died, after the Doomsday Virus ark that was a convoluted summery to read...

John Smith

Yeah Hollywood is well known for casting couch and the only Muslim Middle East Brown Roles being Terrorist lol for instance. They are acting "Woke" for the money not because they believe in any of that shit. As the aforementioned every Muslim is a terrorist shows. I am sure they are "woke" people in Hollywood but I don't think anyone who is "woke" is making the choices at the top companies. Or to put it another way a "Woke" Person might pitch an idea to an exec but the exec is not going with that idea cause its "woke" they go with it cause the person pitching is well connected and its going to make them cash. Part of it also probably a desire to appear to being self policing so no other regulators takes a harder look at their business practices.


Hollywood is a sinking ship right now, kinda. The seem to only make profits off the uber-big-mega-block-busters which are always going to be action-oriented and dumbed-down. I don't think it's going to change, I think it's just going to develop into something worse. The Saudis have an infinite amount of money, they could make their own movie studio (for all I know, they have, and I just haven't heard about it). I watch Bollywood and Korean movies semi-regularly. That's the way to do it. Someone's gotta jump in the game. Of course, if the Saudis made movies, they might all end up being pro-royal propaganda. I kinda wish the Turks made movies. Turkish people are hilarious when they're not being terrifying.

Wild Bill

I don't know, there have been a lot of feminist movie bombs. You'd think that if all they cared about was money they'd have stopped making those by now.


I think that's all post "Me Too" fallout. The "Me Too" think was basically a smokescreen for a industry coop that occurred in Hollywood, the most visible result of which was ousting Harvey Weinstein (whom Hollywood had enabled for years). There were a lot of other results too, namely that a lot of female talent got their shot. Some of this is 'tokenism,' like "Here's our vagina-person!" but it also let a lot of mediocre women get into position higher than they could have earned on their own, simply because they leveraged the threat of allegation against a male superior. Sleezy, underhanded, pretentious, pompous, hypocritical, self-righteous, and deceitful. Hollywood.


But, I think you're wrong about Hollywood continuing to make feminist-aesthetic movies. I don't think they are anymore. Wonder Woman 1984 was put on stream because WB knew it was a turd, and they're course-correcting for the third one. I don't think we'll ever seen another Captain Marvel movie, either.


Here's Captain DC, when do we get to see Super Marvel?

Wild Bill

It predates MeToo, they started making Ghostbusters in 2015. And aren't they making a sequel to Captain Marvel right now? Anyway, they seem to be focusing on pandering to race rather than feminists at the moment, but I'm sceptical that they won't come back to feminism before too long.

John Smith

I mean Captain Marvel made a Bil some how so of course its getting a sequel. Transformers movies were shit and they still squeezed out a lot of sequels. Still I think they brought i new writers and directors and changed the name so it will be different. I think the reason why Hollywood makes Only Big Budget things that make cash is cause you can watch non spectacle movies at Home. Also I think TV shows tend to do the stuff that smaller movies do better as well.


I think the next Captain Marvel movie is 'The Marvels.' They're gonna make bank on Kamala Khan. Maybe it'll be good. Maybe Ghostbusters was a skirmish before the way. Notice that it did flop, and that it did not get a sequel. They're course-correcting with kids (maybe that one already came out).

Master Dragon

Least your version is hot

John Smith

Indeed. As for legacies, its more new for Marvel then DC. DC has always had legacies since Robin so them leaning into that makes sense. My main is since the Donner/Reeves Superman, DC has shown no ability to get Supes done right with the standard version. They haven't made two good movies back to back with any character besides Batman in ages.