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"You gots to wash yo ass."

This one might require some explanation if you haven't been as familiar with certain online personalities as long as I have. I'm just old enough to remember a time before Hotep-stuff got online, but now that it is online, I'm actually a bit shocked by how mainstream a lot of its has become with 'Zillinials,' or whatever the kids are. Hoteps are people who believe that Black people are racially superior, that the pigment in their skin will give them super-powers one day, and that Africa was like Wakanda before the 'inferior' Whites showed up and destroyed the 'superior' super-science utopia that was Africa . . . You see how this doesn't make sense, right?  This circle does not square. This is like Nazism for Negroes. This is like some blue-eyed blond blockheaded Nordic Neanderthal thinking he's an 'Aryan.'

It is a culture-myth based mostly on bullshit, because most Hoteps are American, and they can't even correctly identify the African and Egyptian motifs they appropriate. It's a very 'Americanized' version of Africa, the same way that Lucky the Leprechaun represents an 'Americanized' Ireland.  Pseudohistorical, pseudo-scientific, but very confidently 'woke.' 

The Buck Breaking documentary is really funny because I think it's either A) A government psyop meant to humiliates Black people by re-exposing them to their own stupid ideas, or B) a really weird cope by a bunch of obviously closeted bisexual Black men. 

Anyways, this is all just my opinion about the documentary, it's a fun watch. 8/10 for shits and giggles. 0/10 for history.




The things you learn from the internet.


Came for the smut, stayed for the insightful context.


It probably also doesn't help that some of their parents were probably also raised to be paranoid of any perceived racism they could come across as well. Which I think it's kinda easy to help keep that belief going. Especially with the way cops have been shown in the last decade, along with how some people will simply say "all lives matter" because they know that it'll help derail any real discussion that should actually happen.


The advent of the internet forced me to reevaluate all the 'old wives tales' I heard as a kid, plenty of which related to racist stuff. And yet, I also think the internet has done a pretty good job of making some of these topics even more confused. People are stupid. Everything needs to be boiled down to 'good


Yup, the internet made it real easy to identify the crazies and help inadvertently validate their views.

Wild Bill

I don't find the gay stuff sexy but this is hilarious.


A Great path for more love ;)