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Ever since I learned about him (which was a while ago) Mandrill has been one of my favorite Marvel characters. This is what I want from comic-books. Weirdo sex-freak villains. Nightmare-fuel. Fetish-bait. Weird shit. That's what I love. 




Not gonna lie I first heard of him from that MODOK Hulu show. Dude was fucking another D-list Villain’s ex-wife


Someone shared that clip on Twitter. HAHAHA! I rememer him from a Mary Jane comic wherein he and Spider-Man have a long conversation about the sexual implications of the name 'Man+drill.'


I can imagine the conference. "Alright so DC copied another of our characters. Which of there's should we steal?", "How about the Psychic Gorilla?" "Good, but now how do we make him different...?"