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I want to do something edgy. I feel like venting a bit, and I want to do that by drawing something very gay and very stupid, attempting 'edge.' 

1. The Gay Crusader: There's a big beefy Christian Crusader invading the Holy Land. A Muslim warrior opposes him. They fight, the Crusader yells 'Deus Volt,' and the Muslim yells 'Allahu'akbar,' the fight some more, cross swords, and blush. Then I show them banging, and at the end the Crusader grabs the Muslim's ass and says "I could eat this ass," which is a morbid joke about  a very specific event in 1098. 

2. Gay Nazis. The words 'fascist' and 'faggot' share an interesting etymological root. The both relate to sticks. I would have two Nazis joking about that, then fuck. 

3. Not gay, but I want to "Gingerwash" a bunch of famous Black characters (so maybe just busts and upper-bodies), since there is a meme that redheaded characters always get Blackwashed, like Jimmy Olsen. There would be a ginger Storm, a Ginger Panther, a Ginger Lightning, and so on, and so forth. 

Sorry about the lack of polls recently. I've been putting double-effort into my commissions just because I'm happy to have them, and I've forgotten about everything else I do. 



Hi Mr. MDS! I like the Gay Nazi idea, maybe at the end you could have the beefy christian and the Muslim pee all over the Nazi gangbang!


Obligatory post: https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/018/681/Ow_the_edge.jpg Any reason for the edginess and venting?


I think it's a mixture of things. I've been very mellow this last year, but I did move into a new area (family reasons), and I just don't know anyone here, and I'm not sure about how to 'get out there,' or whatever, and I'm not even sure if I want to, or when I want to. I'm not feeling any sort of depression or angst, but there's a general restlessness in me. Maybe it's the warm weather. I've been spending a lot of time outside, just to walk around and dip my feet in the river, but I don't really go anywhere or do anything.


Dunno why I can’t reply with this dumb app, but sorry to hear on the restlessness. Could be any number of things, tbh, maybe gotta find ya a social group or something to mellow ya out or help.


Ginger Storm Munroe O'Roro here we come 😤😤😤😤😤😤


Yeah, I can be patient. I'm very comfortable and happy here. I've got my own little house with my own little kitchen and a little bathroom. I really do enjoy the serenity. I just need to do the work to make one or two friends.


Looks like it's gonna happen. I'm looking up Black female comic characters right now.


Had to vote for all three

Wild Bill

I'm not into gay unless the bottom is a total trap but those sound hilarious.


I guess but the options are all gold so why wouldn’t I vote for all 3 lol