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Head-canon, but I like to think that Tamaranean culture is just pure nonstop hyper-sex. Every thing is about sex. Every interaction is sexual. Every dynamic is sexual. This would have to include the darker implications. I imagine Tamaranean women would be so focused on breeding with the best possible mate and raising the best possible young that they may fully dissociate who should be the genetic-father (good genes) and who should actually foster-father the child (good virtues). Of course, this means that 90% of men are cucks, and only about 10% are actually breeding. 




On a serious note, the fact that apparently the "daughter" is the child of starfire and Lobo, actually leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Freaking self insert authors


The Main Man (Lobo) has a daughter and shes a badass. Either I don't remember or I don't think I know who her mother is.


I should admit that I have not read the book, I don't know who her canon father is, I'm just making jokes based entirely on the cover.


Fucking Great Stuff But what's with the shirt? idk enough about dc shit to know or at least remember what "gar" might be. Garfield? like beast boy?


I actually don't know. It's from one of the outfits she wore in the old books, including the arrow pointing down her crotch, which is why I redrew it.


holy shit, you're right, i found it, and I'M RIGHT, it's got beast boy's face on it. That kinda just makes it even hornier


I don't think so. I don't think they reveal the father's identity. I think she's a bastard (or whatever the politically correct word for 'bastard' is).