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I am fully vaccinated!

I realize this whole thing has become a contentious political issue (half my town is strongly anti-vax). I'm not taking any stands on the science of anything. I don't fucking know. I studied history, philosophy, and religion, ya'll. I wasn't a science kid. I encourage everyone to . . . I don't know . . . BE ENCOURAGED, lol. 

I made this piece to celebrate. It isn't really about C19, it's more about my fears of the future, particular in regards to the rise of fascist ethno-state China, and the collapse of the American dollar do to overprinting. I hope that my fears are just the unfounded delusions of an ignorant schizoid, which I am, but I still feel anxiety, and drawing this helps me sort out my feelings. 

Stay safe everyone! Keep cranking it. Smoke weed, make money, fuck bitches. 



Wild Bill

I just hope that one result of this whole mess will be people waking up to how bad the situation with China has really gotten. I fear it's too late to actually stop them though.


Don't blame me, I voted for Tzeentch


I too am very concerned about the future regarding china, they got away with fucking up mongolia, tibet, hong kong, and much more, i hope the free world is strong enough to stand up to this foe, but after all of this nonsense, i have my doubts.


Yeah with how tense things have been this year I keep thinking we're going to be moving troops into another foreign country. China and Japan were squaring up, now there's more issues between Isreal and Palestine. Also I feel bad for you having to live in a place like that dude.


I actually really love where I am currently living. Anti-vaxxers are 'good' people, in the sense that they care. They're just schizoids, like me. We need reality-checks.


Well hopefully we're all able to get our shit together for a little while. It'll be nice to open up Reddit and not see any drama on the trending section.

Master Dragon

It's been an interesting time. I know I got my shot it was the J and J that people feared a lot but nothing bad happened. Still do hope more good comes this year instead of the crazy. And doesn't matter if people get the shot or not. It's free will. Mostly did mine for my mom's sake.

Salty Lemon

Lmao you censored the date you got the vaccine?


I'm not sure what information is considered 'identifying' or not. Honestly, it shouldn't be that hard for a hacker to figure out where I live, considering I don't actually try to mask it, but an etiquette guide of reposting paperwork said to remove names, dates, and unique numbers.


I actually had a pretty bad reaction to my second shot. It made me feel cold and hot, and I got a splitting headache that lasted about a day. I spent eight hours in the bath just because the hot water soothed it. I'm feeling great now, but I wouldn't blame anyone for fearing that experience.


My greatest hope is that Buddhism swings back in China, and that a wave of disaffected young people gradually (and nonviolently) replace the CCP's legalists, but that might not happen if India triggers a war with China (people always go fascist during wars). I'm just hoping for no wars, considering how precarious the global trade system is.