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(Professor Farnsworth voice) "Good news, everyone!"

Sticking my stylus in some rice overnight actually worked! It wasn't working this morning, but I tried it again a few hours okay, and BOOM! Business! I've got two replacement styluses in the mail, which is great because I can keep them as spares in case I do something stupid again. I really should have already had some spares. Having only one was a big unprofessional mistake, but live and learn. 

But now I'm going to sleep. I spent most of the day doing actual labor around my new place, since I couldn't draw. When I wake up, I'm going to draw for a whole day. I bet I can knock out two WIPS I'm 60% done with. 




Out of curiosity what drawing tablet do you use, I want to practice drawing myself


Basically an older model of this. https://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/wacom-intuos-creative-pen-small-digitizer-6-x-37-in-electromagnetic-4-buttons-wired-usb-black/apd/aa107770/pc-accessories?gacd=9694607-1010-5761040-266790354-0&dgc=st&ds_rl=1285903&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsLWDBhCmARIsAPSL3_1mWOq6Qt-l9vNEEOhMvSWn8qKKrgSDVy3p9P0OC8zkGL_nHQWPKLwaAnkhEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


You can get these smaller ones for about $100 usually, and they're a great way to start familiarizing yourself with whatever program you're using (I still use photoshop CS6). Don't invest in an expensive monitor unless you really feel like you need to draw on the screen itself, but be careful, because they can get scratched. I used one for a year, and because I'm really bad about pushing down hard when I want to make a thick line, I ended up ruining leaving marks on the screen. I went back to my little $75 tablet, and it suffices for me.


Well done sir; SCIENCE has aided ART yet again.