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Reminder that Mark is Chaotic-Neutral. 

Thanks for another month everyone!

Good luck with whatever you're up to. I'm finallizing a big move I've been managing over the last couple months. I moved with my stuff, did work at my new place, came back to my first place to help family with family-stuff, and now I'm going back to my new place. I've got a lot of mixed feelings. Sad about moving. Sad about leaving my friends. Sad about my family getting shuffled around, again. But I'm feeling good about my new place, and I'm feeling good about change. I'm feeling good about how it'll enable my work. I'll try to get a part-time job at some point, or at least I hope to, and I'm still free to draw whatever I want, and that's amazing. 




That is amazing! I hope everything keeps getting better and working out for you! and THANK YOU for more Mark! :-)


That's great! I love the new Mark piece and I hope things go well for you in your new place.


Is it just me, or does the unicorn look happier with Cadence riding it than when the knight was?


And what’s the elf’s alignment?


Thanks! I actually do feel very optimistic about the future, but it's a nuanced nihilistic 'Arthur Schopenhauer' sort of optimism. I still believe that life is inherently meaningless, and the ultimate dharma of life is nothing but death, but I'm comfortable and happy!


She might be Lawful-Neutral I think, with a snide peronality, which is why she's smirking about her unicorn shitting on the path. I don't think she's 'evil,' she's just a bitch.


Nice. Tbh if its possible, I’d love to see a “how they met” style comic.


Of Mark and Cadence? I did on forevre-and-ever ago. I cringe looking at it now, because the art is soooooooooo messy. I rushed through it just to tell the story. https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/markydaysaid/213024/Mark-and-Cadence-part-1