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Oh jeez. I'm REALLY enjoying this stupid characters I shat out without really thinking about them. They were all just supposed to be Cold War puns, but now I'm imagining a whole Hetalia: Axis Powers type of thing. I should chill, though. I always get more excited for an idea that I have the time for. This might be the last of these history jokes for a while, but if I ever want to do more history jokes (there are billions) I can try to relate it back to this cast. That shouldn't be too hard, considering USA, Russia, and China are a lot to draw from. And it might be fun to cook up more characters. They aren' countries. That's really important to understand, since Robinva represents a movement, and Khan represents America's imperialism, but not much else. 




I really like muscular girls


Hey man if you’re happy doing these I say keep doing them. Better to do something you enjoy than not.


These characters are AWESOME! I am so glad you decided to do more with them!


The characters are cute and sexy satirical stereotypes which you've always been good at 😉👍 If you're having fun too just stick with it and don't over think it and f*ck it all up for yourself in your own head 😘👌 Also more Asian girls. Chinese Maoist Stereotype gf now and you better give her almond eyes and a qipao bro 😉😘

Wild Bill

It's really great to see some more muscular girls. A lot of the girls you draw have the nice abs but not much else, it's nice to see some that are a bit beefier overall.


Man you don’t have to keep apologizing for enjoying a thing you’ve been working on. I enjoy seeing your artwork and I’m happier when there’s more output. If that means sometimes you get kinda unintentionally distracted and draw more than you intended for idea then I’m not going to complain. Just keep drawing and I’m happy.


Please more of this! I am hoping to see more of the twins and their pet!


Thanks! I may have a few more of these coming out. I think the next one will be purely goofy.