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I actually really liked Kong: Skull Island. When done right, a big monster fight is REALLY fun. I just hate that half of the movie is going to be of close-ups of people in dark rooms, looking frightened, talking to each other about what's happening in the plot, which is usually about [Character] going to [Location] to accomplish whatever their mission is. Bah. Just monsters fighting. Pure cinema. I think it's okay when the monster has a little human they share a psychic connection with or whatever, but bah. Just monsters. 




You've gotten really good at anthro furry chicks bro 😩👌


Thanks I may actually focus on these once my Aladdin thing is done. Maybe I'll draw a handful of anthro/monster characters.

Cole McLean

Been meaning to ask this but why did you change art styles?


It was never really intentional, it's just progressed as it has, into what it is, largely outside of my control. Honestly, if I could draw the way I WANTED to draw, I'd like more like Frank Cho or Jim Lee. I do the best with what I can produce, which makes the process perpetually frustrating for me. I can't even tell you when my style 'changed' since to me it's like 'the ship of Theseus' if you know that parable.

Master Dragon

Is the biker chick a Cyberpunk 2077 refrence?


Oh, no, it's a vampire thing actually. I'm drawing five female vampires, all to different archetypes. She's like a butch tomboy.