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Ugh. I'm in a mood. The idea I've been sketching all feel stale. Finishing them feels more like work than fun. I've got a couple commissions to work on, so I'll focus on those. I'm not sure what my personal project should be. The Kingom Hearts idea turned into another pun about them misunderstanding the word 'swing' but I'm already bored of it. I'm going to finish this thing with three more Bokoblins, and a page of cheerleaders. I'm feeling very uncreative at the moment. 




If u need some creative suggestion I can help ya if u want, but all and all I liked your the sketch KH art 🥳 lol


Have to agree, the sketch is pretty nice already. But humor can be tough, and in the end you have to be happy with the end-result, most of all. Wish I could help with suggestions, but my knowledge of Kingdom Hearts is very limited. Maybe Kairi meeting one of these blackrobed dudes and instead of fighting them, begins to suck them off? Something, something cuckold. Something, something willing sluttification. I don't know..you're the creative mind here, after all, Mark. XD


I really like the sketch too and I'd love to see it completed.