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That last thing satisfied the Catwoman/Black-Cat thing, although I wasn't really happy with it. I don't know. I have a lot of parody ideas for these comics, I just don't know what to focus on, and that causes me to waste time doing absolutely nothing. General ideas. 

1) More Catwoman. This is technically the 'Batman' option, but Catwoman is my favorite part of that universe, so it would focus on her. 

2) More Wolverine. Most of the ideas are about him fucking just about everything that moves at the X-Mansion while Cyclops is either unaware, disapproving, or cucked. 

3) Supergirl and Powergirl. I wrote down ideas for these two specifically, because I like the idea of them being best-besties, since they're kinda the same person. The whole idea would them being SUPER slutty bitchy rich girls, doing whatever they want. 

4) Disney parodies. Specifically song parodies. 



I guess for me more Catwoman for these choices

Wild Bill

One thing I've seen a lot of artists do is make Supergirl jealous of Powergirl's amazing boobs, a different take on them would be great. Love Powergirl, muscles, short blonde hair and *huge* boobs, what more could you ask for?

Master Dragon

Power girl is a babe. But would've been cool to see wolvie get it on with Evo Rogue and Evo Wanda.