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Mark and Cadence's adventures continue. This is quite possible the most I'll ever get invested into continuity. Just small visual and narrative indications that Mark and Cadence have any sort of actual linear story. So they were running from bounty-hunters in the last one, and Cadence will still have short hair in the next Mark comic, but that's kinda it. 

I REALLY do want to make my 'own website' now where I can lay out all of the Mark stuff I've done in mostly chronological order. I just SUCK at doing chores like that. I'd so much rather just use galleries and platforms that preexist me. 

I know Squarespace is supposed to be easy, but if anyone has any ACTUAL step-by-step advice, about what I should do or how I should do it, that's what I'd like.

Maybe I should actually pay someone to set something up for me, like an adult doing adult business big-pants high-IQ time.  I wonder if anyone would do it in exchange for drawings.



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