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Hey everyone! It's midway through the month so I thought I'd pop my head up just to show you that I actually have spent a big part of the month drawing. Some of it has be NFW Mark stuff, and I'll show all of that, come December. I'm trying to get a bunch of ideas and jokes out of my head, even though I honestly kinda regret the whole Mark character. My name isn't actually 'Mark,' and naming the OC the same as my HF username was kinda part of the joke. I initially imagined his world as a total joke. 'Mark the Barbarian' was supposed to sound dumb, like 'Dave the Barbarian,' or 'Conan the Librarian.' He is very awkwardly a Mary Sue self-insert, because he's basically everything I wish I could be (bold, brave, strong, charismatic, successful with sex) and I've gotten kinda embarrassed about it. So embarrassed that it has stopped me from making Mark comics because I'd always think, "Oh God, why are my fantasies so fucking pathetic" . . . But then I realized what a neurotic bitch I was being, and so now I'm just using the month to go completely bullshit with Mark. Really stupid and intentionally self-indulgent smut. Why not, life's short, why not draw dumb shit before the world ends? I'm the last person on Earth who should take his dumb shit seriously. Real talk. 

Anyway, just checking in. Thanks for sticking around, see you all in December, and I'll have at least five Mark comics to drop. There's even a small bit of continuity between them. 




The more Cadence getting railed the better, I always say!


I cannot wait to see the hilarious hijinks the crew gets up to.


I thought that was Briar with the braid but upon closer inspection i think we are looking at Street Fighter Cave Girls 😱


Question are u still going to do the Teen Titans one? U don’t have to do it Halloween if u want


It's not on my to-do list anymore, not since I had to do a soft reboot on my life. I'll be open to commissions in December, or I'll make a TT topic the focus of my next poll.


This goat just hilarious ! I hope you turn back soon ! but take your time


Hey dude, good to know you're doing okay. I've had moments where I realise that my own writing and OCs have become too autobiographical, or my character has become a MarySue'd version of myself. Which in itself isn't a bad thing- it's good to get that shit out of the system every so often. I find that any progress, even if it's bad, even if you look back on it later and cringe, is worthy progress.


I actually started following you because of how much I enjoyed your comics with Mark. Yeah, he's a dumb self insert. Most self insert characters -are- dumb. But I always respected that you were super straightforward about it. He wasn't a character you took seriously. We could laugh at him, cause he was ridiculous. Everything with him is very tongue-in-cheek... so I never cared he was a mary sue. That was the point. You made him endearing, by making him a hilarious jerk and you never once took his bullshit seriously.


It’s nice to see you and Mark again, I always enjoyed those comics especially the ones with cadence in the spotlight so pls keep drawing them


It all depends on the luck of the dice.