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-something has happened. 

-I will be gone this entire November. Back in December, but I can’t see the future.

-telling you all so now so you can drop your pledges if you want to save money. No content for all of November. No contact. No emails. No social media. I’ll have new content in December to announce my return. don’t spend money on a month of nothing if you don’t want to. 

- be good. Watch out. be careful.

-thank you everyone. All I’ve ever wanted to do is draw boobs and monsters and dumb fun stuff.

-live free


That black guy

be safe, hope you and your loved one are okay

Sleepy Dave

You could just pause your account for the month so no one gets billed. That said, Good Luck and Happy Holidays!


I see you are preparing for no nut November as well


Oh! I hadn’t thought of that! If I’m not coming back for December, I’ll do that.

John Smith

Good Luck Mark, maybe you can try writing again lol


I will. I’m going to have a lot of free time, and Ill make sure to have something December 1st (or Jan 1st) to show for it. I’ll pause billing till the month I return


Dude as with all things we support you; take care of what you need to bro and we'll see you when you are ready to return to us. Peace bro and take good care of yourself.

John Smith

Cool I always did like your writing lol from Fairy Tale Fuckfights to Kee-va & Brule lol


I hope everything is fine. See you when you get back

Alex Woll

Hope whatever is going on in November goes well go you!