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Good news everyone! My life has had a couple major changes this month, but everything is going very smoothly. Not everything is good, but not everything is bad. Point being, I'm settled in a new spot, and I've got NOTHING but free-time from now until maybe December. Damn. I feel free! I feel good! I've got all the time and comfort I need to get rolling on commissions again, and to finish something stupid I've always wanted to do. 

It's a big stupid joke about the "History of Halloween" where I give an incredibly long and unhelpful narrative for why Halloween is the way it is, extrapolating on details from "CATH MAIGE TUIRED," one of my favorite mythological texts. 

PLEASE read through the pages as I post them here. Tell me any obvious spelling mistakes you see. Don't worry about names. There are no standard spellings for any of them. 




Both pages are sweet for spelling sir and the flow of sentences do not defile the 'MERICAN english; well done sir.


thanks! I'm really speeding through this for Halloween. Hoping it'll only be like 5-8 pages. I got these two done pretty quick.


More than happy to help out with whatever stuff you throw up man; I got furloughed so I too now have more time than I have any idea what to do with (and still getting paid for it) so these little things keep me occupied for a little; Im grateful for it.

Matty Thunders

trying to read these names just turned my brain to mush. Cool comic though.


Yeah, I have no idea why Irish spellings are so fucked. The names have simple sounds. Two-ah-ha-DAY-da-non. Fa-vor-ee.


This is so much fun to read I love seeing your spin on these Celtic myths. I really think it would be a lot of fun to see how you interpret the story of the birth of Aengus and that absolutely ridiculous story about his father holding the sun in place to keep from getting caught knocking up the kings wife.


Actual Irish person here (so all the names are easier for me haha) And this is just amazing, you did the myths real justice! Love it