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I've always liked the idea of a young buck banging a hot milf, especially if there's some element of cheating involved. (Shrugs). I'm toxic. You can vote for multiple options, but there's only four. 


Sleepy Dave

Invisible woman doing the Mattress Mambo with the Spider-Man that can turn invisible. Works for me!


You got it! The set-up is sometihng like, The Invisible Woman approaches Miles and says "So . . . I hear we can both turn invisible . . . I wonder what else we have in common," and then the next scene is of Mr. Fantastic yelling "Honey, are you in here?" with two invisible outlines fucking on the ceiling above him.


*crosses fingers* Impregnation... Impregnation... Impregnation...


Oof tough choices. Gonna have to go with Female Furies, they need more love than the DCEU will ever give them.