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Thanks for another month everyone! For no particular reason, I'm going to try and focus on Superhero content only this month. Mostly because I bounce around WAY too much, and my compulsions have begun leaving me as quickly as they arrive, so I should pick a narrow focus just to be production. 

I'm already doing a bunch of superheroes, so why not more? Pick a general theme. 



If not Black Panther, how about White Tiger? Or Starfire (since her people evolved from cats).


Powergirl needs to be in the Supers category.


I should say, that these names are just examples. I'm asking for what 'vibe' you want, rather than a specific character. I want to stay flexible.


Starfire goes under 'Supers' in my mind, but she could appear under 'Brutes' if I draw Lobo. White Tiger is a good suggestion.

Wild Bill

Black Panther fucking all the cat-babes would be a fine tribute I'd say.


I'd agree, and I've been itching to do a comic of Catwoman and Black Cat breaking into a Wakandan exhibit to steal some African bronzes, or whatever, and BP stops them and fucks them. Buuuuuuut, Marvel stans are emotional as heck. They're like K-pop stans. Maybe I should chill for a bit.