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I love Batman. I just fucking love what a perfect fantasy it is. Batman is the American culture-hero of my choice. I like how flexible the character is. Lego Batman for the kids? Skin-tight latex BDSM power-fantasy Batman for immature adults? It all works! 

Kinda Sorta Open for Commission!

-Hoping to have a little extra money in September. 

-My brain is burnt out but my hand is not. I want to draw, but no big stories or complicated ideas. Keep it simple. Keep it short. 

-Looking to do about 3-5 simple $100 commissions with the above theme. Like a 2koma, although I'm flexible about what the characters are. Basically I just want to draw dramatic before/after or before/during. Superheros slamming, Anime characters slamming, your OCs slamming, or maybe a milf revealing what a slut she is as soon as her husband is gone, whatever sort of visual story fit into the above 16x9 simple structure. VISUAL story. Think 'pure cinema.' 

-OCs welcome, just please give me a picture and don't expect me to read any articles about them.  

-IMPORTANT: I require complete directorial control! That means I pick the exacts poses, angles  dialogue, and all final specifics.This is based on what I'm ABLE, WILLING, and most importantly what I WANT to draw. I'll be blunt, I only want to draw for myself. Thank you for your support, but you are a means to an end. You can control the casting, explain your vision, and send me a script, but If you want more control than that, please don't inquire with me in the first place. 

Thanks! I hope people here are interested. If I don't get 3-5 commission here I'll move on to Twitter and HF in a week. 




I'll chip in for a commission


If you want to pool with people, that's fine, but it's gotta be organized by someone on your end (I only want to collect the $100 from one source).


I didn't mean chip in as pool for a commission. I meant chip in as chip in for your extra September money by commissioning you.


Oh, cool! Thanks! Well if you have any characters/ideas for a similar piece as above, feel free to email me. markydaysaid@gmail.com

Alex Woll

How do you want to get contacted for a commission?


I'm willing to grab three of your commission slots of you're up for that.


Bandara twerking to entice Cavemen to join with the Beast People 😈😈😈


Thanks, but that's not really the 2koma format. I want there to be like a fight or something, with a before and after, and I don't want to spend energy on my own OCs right now.


If you're still open, I'd like to snag a slot. :D 'v')b


I've got about 5 now, so I'm good for a while. I'm always fielding ideas, but probably only if they relate to my current supehero kick.

kyle bernard

How about Lois Lane fucks Jonathan Kent cause Superman is too busy fighting aliens?


I DO want to do LL stuff, I'm just not sure what sort of angle yet. Is Superman a cuck or a chad? I still haven't decided.

kyle bernard

Superman is a cuck in this situation since his son has to take care of business


Is it just me or the lack of Damien Wayne being involved in anything surprising at this point O.O.


I'm not sure how to use him, actually. I'm lined up to do a Bane-v-Robin gay thing, but I'm usually very Tim-centric with my Robin stuff. I'd use Damien as he was used in the Harley Quinn animated series, that was really funny.


Always envisioned him to be kinda like a masochist, losing against the 'lesser' villains of Batman for some reason. He has that feels about him that while he can challenge some top villains like Deathstroke or Joker, but probably lose out against Riddler or Poison Ivy due to him underestimating their abilities.


I guess I also like the idea of him being uber-competent about defeating male villains, but the moment he sees a pretty girl or a big pair of tits, he devolves into an incompetent horny boy.