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I promise that this will be my last 'Porkland' comic for a while, unless shit keeps going on, because it's happening right over there, and I feel a need to process it. I process best when I'm making comics, so I made this. Wow! lol. 

It's really about my characters expressing their world-views. The riots in Porkland are just a backdrop, really. 

Cadence is my caricature of a very progressive 'social-justice-warrior' Proto-Marxist. Someone who is so keen on making the world a 'better place' that they'll end up killing and enslaving millions of people just on a theory (a theory which I believe has been proven false multiple times, BTW). 

Briar is my caricature of a 'Doomer.' She's very intelligent and insightful, but all of her education hasn't helped her find meaning in the universe. If anything, she's probably more depressed now than she was as a child. She has spent too long looking too deeply into the mysteries of the abyss, and she has found nothing. 

Mark's just a violent selfish asshole.




It's one building, picked because the attempts to bait a federal response in Seattle failed. Now they've decided if they can't make the Feds come to them for a photo op, they'll go to the feds.


It's a total dilema, because no on can do anything without a major media-faction jumping on them for being the bad-guy. There's so much misinformation right now that I'm getting sucked in too.


They clearly wanted CHAZ to provoke a Tienamen moment. That's why even when rejecting Federal aid, they'd pair it with insults that implied NOT using force was a sign of cowardice. "Go back to your bunker" from the mayor for example. So people realized they couldn't get Trump to act on state land without an inivte, so they went after federal land where retreat isn't an option.


I hate that my mayor also gets to be Commissioner of Police. That seems like a huge conflict of interest to me. Our whole City Council situation is kinda bullshit.