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For some reason I just REALLY don't want to color.The Ladybug thing I just did sucked the color out of me, but I do want to work on Line-arts, so I'm just going to go deep on line-arts for a bit that I'll color after. 

So if it looks like I'm being unproductive . . . Yeah. I'm a bit toasted, bruh, but I'll have stuff once the color-bug comes back. 

I really want each of my pathetic OCs to get at least one comic featuring them before I lose interest in Mark again. So this is a glimpse of Tamora's one-shot. It's very largely informed by local events. 

I'm actually grateful about what's happening. I love French history, and the fact that Bastille is (kinda-sorta) being stormed by the starving proletariat really lets me LARP as a character living during the French Revolution. I like to fantasize about living through that time period as some sort of Musketeer-type character, with a rapier and pistol, and maybe I've absconded with Marie Antoinette (who in the fantasy is super sexy), and I'm saving her from the Satanic revolutionaries who want to sacrifice her via guillotine to their Demon Lord, and eventually they succeed, and that Demon Lord becomes Napoleon, or something. 

Portland's not that bad, lol. I think both sides are over-hyping it because Antifa want to look like Mad Max and Trump wants to look like Judge Dredd. It's a mess, but messes get cleaned up. 

Stay safe, know your rights, exercise your voice if you want, yadda yadda. 




I usually tend to not bother with politics but your works are a wonderful exception.


Look at the little guy go

Matty Thunders

I love the political satire