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I'm going to stop here, but I learned something. I LOVE drawing Power Armor. I'm really surprised. I normally hate 'technology' my mind just doesn't work based on things 'working.' I just want shit to look cool. 

I'm serious though. I really enjoyed drawing this Power Armor. I think I'm going to make my next vote-for-a-thing Power Armor related. Although I also wanted and excuse to draw superheroes cucking each other (I just have a fetish for powerful people being huge assholes), so one or the other. 



Salty Lemon

You should totally do something like this for Piper and use the power armor

Master Dragon

Hell ya Curie looks so mega hot!

Wild Bill

Maybe do both? I can totally see Iron Man cucking Captain America.


Awesome! Definitely a lot of potential with the power armor.


Eventually both. Idea is for cross Marvel-DC action, though. Or a focus just on Wolverine, Cyclops, and Jean.