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For whatever reason, I can not draw a human head without it developing a weird wonky slant to one side or the other. I think it's because I've spent too much time looking at cartoons, and now the beauty of the natural human form will be forever elusive to me.

Or I just need more practice. 

Either way, instead of trying to fix it, I just power into the coloring, and hope I can fix it with some warping at the end. Thanks Photoshop! 




If you fix it can you post a before and after explaining what the difference is because I want to know what you mean when you talk about the artwork but I never seem to get it


Pierced nipples on the Post-Apocalyptic seemingly prim and proper Indian doctor. So some of our values lived on after the war after all...


Why is it i can see the Doctor as a blonde?

Wild Bill

I love what they did with the power armour in FO4, so much better than the ones where it was just another suit of armour with high DR.