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I haven't drawn a single thing all week. This looks like a messy crayon drawing. I think I've spent maybe 35 or 40 hours on it. Mostly just looking at it. It's messy. I'm worse than I was 3 years ago. I don't ever understand the point of this one. Wrestling. I don't want to start over because I don't think there's anything here. I was looking for a real job when this whole thing started happening, and now I feel like I should just be grateful I have this, but I'm just not feeling it. 




Man i will be honest with you the whole reason i give you money is that you draw stuff in that cartoony style. I never wanted you to be hyper-realistic. If you did you'd be like every other fucker that draws hentai. You aren't like that. Just do what you need to do. I am a subscriber because i like how your work has been not because of how or could be. Perfect yourself before you try and be somebody else.

Rusty Shackleford

It always makes me sad when you talk about yourself like this, I get wanting to be better and personally I enjoy this drawing. I always look forward to your wrestling drawing and its a shame you feel this way


Mark, you have a style that's all your own, and people (me included) really enjoy it! Don't be so down on yourself. You're definitely one of my favorite artists, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I get wanting to be better but you're already extremely talented. Just trust yourself a little bit, my dude!


I think it looks good and if you objectively look at one of your older pieces and then this, the development of your style and improvement in your anatomy and coloring is obvious. But if you feel like you're burning out again, getting a "real job" and stepping back from being a professional hentai artist might actually be good for you man. You can take a break and then when you feel like it, draw as a hobby again and see if you enjoy it like you used to.


This was my energy going into this summer. I was kinda gearing up to try for a 'normal' life. Real job, meet a real girl, maybe have a real life. But the pandemic has me thinking that I need to be REALLY grateful for what I have, because it's the perfect gig right now. I work from home, and I get to do what I love (and am frustrated by) without being dependent on a single boss or single government employer. My hand just feels like it's dead.

Gur40goku GST

Honestly you art style is why were here both older and new we like both and if your feeling burn out don't do a "project' think of a 'what do I wanna draw' and focus on that fun first. In fact i remember you mention maybe doing fun sketches again focus on u first ok


Personally I think it's fine. But artists are notorious for not being able to finish a painting. Picasso as he got older turned out fewer completed works. Mostly because he didn't need to. I get that you're not really satisfied but then you're the one who is in controll of that emotion. Think about what would be the easiest way to complete it, do that, and move on. This from a guy who can't draw a straight line. Good luck.


Dude, I think your art is fantastic. Don't be so hard on yourself. I couldn't do anything as good as this.