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A really talted artist named Carolos Gomez got a lot of flak for 'oversexualizing' America Chavez, which 1) eye of the beholder, 2) good, her character design needs it to remain interesting, 3) She's a SUPER hero, not a NORMAL hero. Why would she have a flat White-feminist ass?

Cassie Sandsmark knows what's up. Sorry Ginny Hex. You got cucked. 




Personally I prefer small but I’m always in the minority


Well, I like small butts too. The mildly 'thicc' athletic build which I consider most beautiful in both men and women is pretty rare.


Big asses for latina character is mandatory for those sweet mamacitas.

Rusty Shackleford

I wouldn't say he got a lot of flack just 4 people complained


Oh, lol. I knew it wouldn't be as big as Tracer. I found out about this while googling "Instagram." I'm not sure if it's a venue I want to move onto. I was trying to gauge of it's a place I want to explore. Obviously, this being moderately SFW was part of that.

kyle bernard

When they made her character a full lesbian I felt it was another cheap diversity attempt by Marvel cosidering her first love interest was a guy. If they made her bi it would have made sense but orientation should be a small part of what makes a character


DC's Elseworld books really spoiled me when I was young, them and the "What If" Marvel books. I kinda wish they focused less on maintaining a consistent universe for month-to-month comics, and instead focused on short, concise, creator-driven projects. I'm fine with them altering a characters' race/setting/orientation if the vision calls for it. I also hate it when they are just box-checking. It's obvious when they do it because they announce it. "LOOK AT HIS BOX I JUST CHECKED!"

Master Dragon

Nice job on the pic. Still on a super chick kick. Can't beat that :)

Wild Bill

Eh, feminists have been whining about female superheroines being 'too sexy' since I was a kid, and I'm in my thirties now. Sane people just ignore them. And enjoy that gorgeous brown booty. <3


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