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I  can't explain it. I'm just really amused by this mashup idea. 

The next Fantasy Wars: Burke vs Avalor will be up on HF and Twitter by tomorrow night. It's a little 'meh' to 'meh-eh.' I really like the overall shape and stuff, and I think I did a boss job on Hiccup, but the girls are all a little wonky, and for some reason i just couldn't get Elena's face or hair right. It's the last of my 'experimentals' for a while I think. I'm finishing up the Jojo and the Borderlands pic with a more classic lines, flats, shades method. I think it'll look fine, but I"m not learning anything new. 

Whatever. Here are my Warhammer/Disney mashup ideas. I've got some Warhammer related Duke stuff cooking, and I'm just fucking loving the aesthetic of the world. Might be one of my favorite settings ever, next to Conan. 

1) Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Snow White is maybe a Bretonnian damsel, so like a magical princess from Arthurian lore. The Dwarves will be Dwarves, but Warhammer Dwarves, so more badass. The Evil Queen may just be herself, or a Vampire Countess. 

2) Bambi. Except Bambi is a deadly Beastman Gor warrior, and he's taking terrible revenge on the sexy female huntress who slew his mother, or however that movie went, I'll rewatch. Maybe a goblin version of Thumper. 

3) Cinderella, but she's an Imperial Knight or something, in glass armor. I'm a bit lacking here. Maybe the step-sisters are Vampires, or Chaos-Cultists. 

4) Alice in Wonderland, only Alice is an evil champion of Tzeentch, the demonic god of chaos and madness and lots of obviously Wonderland stuff. She'll be fighting the Red Queen, a champion of Khorne, the red god of blood and violence. It makes sense, I think. 

5) Peter Pan, but Peter Pan is a Wood Elf, and instead of Captain Hook, it's a very powerful Vampire Lich Pirate Warrior from Warhammer's lore, who is very boss. They will be fighting or fucking over a Bretonnian/Imperial girl as Wendy. 

6) Beauty and the Beastman. Beauty will be a sexy little Bretonnian or Imperial peasant girl. 

7) Toy Story, but somehow Buzz Lightyear is a 40k Space-marine, and Woody is a classic Witch-hunter. A sexy female will be involved somehow. 

8) Sleeping Beauty, but it's with High Elves and Dark Elves, so Maleficent will be replaced by Morathi, who is just Maleficent in a thong-bikini. 

9) Ratatouille . . . But with Skaven . . . and sex somehow. 

10) Big Hero 6, but each of the heroes is re-imagined as a Warhammer character. No restrictions. The medic robot character, Ogre. His Asian buddy, Woof Elf. Their Black friend, Orc. The tall girl, High Elf. The sexy Asian tomboy, maybe a Dwarf (maybe).   



Its an strange awesome idea, looking forward it, 7 Slayer Dwarves or 7 Space biker dwarves?


Alice the Madwoman vs The Red Queen Valkia the Bloody. I like it. It fit’s pretty well into Warhammer lore, Tszeench and Khorne are near polar opposites on the 8 pointed star of Chaos. Tszeench’s realm in the Warp is often described a shifting, maddening labyrinth. So yeah. All of these work, but this is the one that gets my attention the most. Also, side note about Valkia the Bloody, she was a mortal woman, so badass, she killed a greater daemon of Slaanesh took his head as a prize and then was made into a daemon prince by khorne so she could murder fuck for the rest of eternity.

Master Dragon

Gogo I feel would be good as a vampire since she is punk/goth. Would suit her more. Plus Vampire are fast much like her powers in the actual movie.

Sleepy Dave

For Big Hero 6, Fred (the guy in the mascot outfit) could be either a beastman or a dwarven beast rider. both make sense


I say the Evil Queen could be a Dark Elf Witch or a Chaos Sorceress.


Holy shit these are all really good, and to be honest almost inevitable when the Mouse eventually eats Games Workshop.