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Good news! I made something I'm happy with, not only in how it turned out, but also how I made it, so I should have a method good enough for finishing that Bel comic. This is from another Duke request from last month that I combined with my own interests. I was doing a Skaven with a high-elf slave, but the methord I was using to construct is is kinda tedious now, so I may just redraw the Skaven as it was meant to be, a sketch, in this style. I don't know. All of my WIPs are such shit right now that I kinda just want to throw them all out and start over, but then I'll be late again next month too. 

This is one of the two big factors that killed my Ladybug comic, or any long comic. The time it takes to make a single page is greater than the time it takes for me to learn a new technique. I can't make two pages look alike, so I shouldn't even try. 




Super cute little Gobliness, she has a ton of personality~ I love her snaggle teeth and ears and the freckles on her breasts <3 10/10 would make interracial abomination babies with


Excellent piece, could be Goblin vs Gnomes, excellent piece


Honestly who cares if the pages look alike? They're hot, the plot's advancing, that's all I need at least.


-thumbs up-