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I'm getting more comfortable with drawing Furry it seems, and despite my revulsion of Argonians I seem to be able to draw them the most competently. Why? Is it that my disgust stimulates a greater degree of focus, or is God playing a trick on me?

Anyway, I'm pretty happy with this one, and I think I accomplished the effect I wanted of making it look like the cover of one of those old erotic novels they made in the 50s and 60s that you sometimes find in used bookstores. 




This is quite possibly the greatest thing ever, anywhere. *manly nod of approval*


Well I'm glad the Patron requested it then, because I would have never done this one on my own.


Well well I've never read the book myself but now I'm wondering just how silly the 'matron' feels hiring a argonian thinking her boy toy wouldn't want to tap that....honestly any port in a storm XD


Nose is a bit weird but otherwise I like it!


This came out super sexy, dude. I like the old school erotic novel take you did on it, really ties it in with the fact that in the game the book is basically canon interracial porn. It's funny how one man's revulsion is another man's fetish. I find a horny Argonian slut who wants to get her legs spread and her womb bred by big, hard, hot mammal cock very erotic. No shrimpy Argonian lizard-dicklettes allowed ;)


The cover effect is awesome, and you nail de Argonian gal, I think is normal to focus more in whattt you not like, to get a better effect, great cover!


The nose looked a bit strange to me at first, too. But if you keep in mind those are her snout's nostrils and visualize her face from the side, you can see that would be her snout sticking out. Once I got my brain to see it this way, I can't unsee it. And it is super hot. And I want to see her in profile with her tongue hanging out getting slam-fucked by her virile Imperial master who is doing his best to give his slutty little Argonian maid an Imperial baby to take home with her the next time she visits Black Marsh to see her clan ;)