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Uh oh. I'm really enjoying playing through Fallout 4 again, surprise surprise. I'm also really getting into the idea of doing at least a few comics with these characters. Enough that I wanted to do a REALLY quick concept sheet for them. 

The idea of this first comic is based on the poll. Grog will be standing over some dead Raider or something bad, with some Vault-Dwellers gathered around. Vicky speaks up to say something like 'Grog, please let me come with you. I'd rather risk my life seeing the world than be safe and bored in the Vault.' Maybe her boyfriend says something like 'But Viiiiiickyyyyyy! Are you sure you prefer the guy who is handsome and adventurous and fun?" And then Vicky forces both the boys' pants down, confirming her decision based on nothing but cock-size. 

After that, we'll think of something that can involve Synthia. 

By the way, yes, this is basically Mark, Cadence, and Briar all over again. I don't try new things. 



Master Dragon

Mega cool man like the look so far


Honestly the old concepts work fine so why change them make millions of Cadence and I will love them all


Some roles just work. Btw what's the resolution on this supposed to be?


I can honestly imagine Grog work in a world of Fallout, does remind me of the savage but highly advance land or the movie Yor: The Hunter from the Future. Either way im game for seeing Fallout Marky make his legend in posapocaliptia, it will give Three Dog something to tell.


For the Vicky one maybe he could say "I thought you hated dirty, dangerous stuff outside the vault!?"