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There's a good chance that like the Hathor picture I did, this one won'y get completed. As cool as I think this sort of rendering looks, I have a lot of trouble transferring it into color, but I intend to try. 

The story is . . . Kinda vague to me. I remember that Jason is tasked with getting the Golden Fleece (basically a magical animal pelt), but it's being held by this king. Luckily, the goddess Aphrodite agrees to help Jason, and she makes the king's daughter, Medea, fall in love with Jason. She becomes so thirsty for his dick that she not only helps Jason steal the Fleece, but when her brother Absytrus tried to stop them, she killed him, chopped him up into little pieces, and then threw her brother's dismembered parts around the beach, just to distract her dad so Jason could get away. Talk about some hardcore cucking. 

Jason and Medea go on to have a bunch of kids, but when Jason starts sleeping around with a younger girl, Medea sets her on fire, and Medea then kills a number of her own children, just to spite Jason. 

She sounds crazy, but it must have been some good pussy. 

Here I've depicted Absytrus being captured and humiliated, rather than killed. 




Fuck you made Medea quite close to how a bitch ass crazy woman would look like. I cant wait to see this colored its gonna be fantastic.


It may not get colored though. I've had a lot of trouble with the tutorials that show me how to color a greyscale rendered image. I've never been able to make it work before.


Pretty intense


It actually looks good grayscale. Fantastic even.


This satisfies the mythology lover in me.