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I'm vibing mythology again. Pick your favorite Greek hero. 

Perseus. Arguably the most archetypal hero of Greek mythology. Totally cool dude. Kills Medusa. Saves a hot babe from a giant sea-monster. At lot of people think Perseus was the guy who owned Pegasus, but that's not really the case. Perseus played a part in Pegasus's creation, since the winged-horse was born from the blood of the slain Medusa (I think). I'd probably draw him sex-fighting Medusa.

Bellerophon. This is the hero who rode Pegasus, and who slew the Chimera. I'd draw him naked, riding Pegasus, maybe fighting a sexy female chimera.

Cadmus. So this would actually focus on Europa. I'd have Cadmus walking in on his sister, Europa, just as she is getting her little human brains fucked out by the god Zeus, who has taken the form of a bull. Cadmus will be drawn as a bit of twink here, since all he did was walk his sister home after Zeus was finished with her. 

Herakles. You know this guy. Super strong. Killed a giant lion. Killed the hydra. Fucked everyone. Raped everything. Mark the Barbarian is very, very, very, very much based on my childhood understanding of Herakles. This guy even fucked his own nephew, then raped a woman, and then Herakles had his nephew marry the woman that Herakles himself raped. LOL! I'd draw that. 

Achilles. Greatest hero of the Trojan War, at least on the Greek side. I'm not sure what I'd draw though. Achilles was mentored by a centaur, so maybe I'd have him getting fucked by that centuar. Gay. He had a girlfriend named Chryseis, but other than being a small part of the Trojan War, and kinda sparking some divine intervention from Apollo, she doesn't do much. Maybe I'd have her getting fucked by Agamemnon while Achilles is forced to watch (basically the story). 

Jason. Epic dude. Epic story. Gets to marry a super hot sorceress and priestess of Hecate. Her name is Medea. This picture would be something awesome and sexy of a power couple. Hot dude. Hot girl.   

Odysseus. I'd probably have him fucking Circe while surrounded by his human-animal hybrid friends. 



I don't remember herc bein all that rapey other than maybe the elopement sense of it. Still, this is super damn hard.


Option 1 for Medusa


I have a suggestion for Herakles. There is a legends that he deflowered and impregnated all fifty daughters of Thespius, founder and king of Thespiae. Some sources even said he fucked them all in one night. ;D


lol! Yeah, okay. No way I'll be able to draw all fifty, but I'll try to do something to convey a lot of girls.


Too much possibilities: Thesseus fucking a female minotaur into submission, Odysseus tied to the mast with wax in his ears wanting to join his doom sailors in the sirens orgy, Paris fucking three goddess to choose the fairest of all. Nice poll


I'm pretty sure Chad Zeus could be his own comic series. Though I don't know how similar it would be to Mark or Dragonborn...


There are big differences between the legends/books and tv/movies.


For Medusa +1


Genuinely tough choice. There's a lot here I'd like to see.