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I'm compressing like four different duke sketches into one big idea. Let's see if it works. That'll also help me clear off the table a bit. I can't believe my 4th of July picture isn't even done yet, but  . . . . No, I don't care about timing. My 4th of July pic will come out August 4th, and no one will be bothered. 

I'd like to apologize for how unspectacular last month was, both in terms of content and creativity. I was so exhausted. I'm really not the sort of person who can juggle more than two balls at once, and for me those two balls are usually this (my patreon), and the house, but last month had a lot of balls. (lol). 




This looks like fun. Dude, I can't speak for everyone here, but I'm happy to wait for content. If you need time to get stuff done, take the time. I have an idea for a Duke sketch, but I need to check my finances. I'll get back to you on that.

