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The next thing that I'll have finished will be a Ladybug page, but maaaaaaaaaaaan do I enjoy drawing beautiful muscular people. I'm going to see how much I can cram onto one page. Will get Bandara in here too. I'm thinking that Bandara, Kee-Va, and Brule are going to be a common threesome, but the dynamic is that Bandara and Kee-Va are rivals for Brule's affection, which he freely gives to just about every female he encounters (and some of the boys). 




Supreem Monkey Kween 😍😍😍

John Smith

LOL at Brule as for the Rivalry...there can only be one Queen Bee or in this case Queen Bitch.

Master Dragon

All right this looks cool. Like the Jungle gym!


Awesome, i would prefer more crude Gym equipment, but is looking fantastic, also I think Brule is not exercising, as those two not seem to weight enough ^^


Muscular beautiful people. All is right in the world. <3