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I think this Fantasy Wars thing is becoming my favorite content to make. It's just really fun to draw and think about the princesses gearing up to fight and ravage. 

I'm going to hold another vote on who wins (for Knights and above), but if any of you have any ideas for future fights, let me know. The don't have to be Disney themed. They just need to believably exist in the same universe. So, Scooby Doo versus Josei and The Pussy Cats. Or Harry Potter versus Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 

Preferably no anime unless it is super recognizable. Naruto. Dragon Ball Z. If it's something that wouldn't be recognizable to a non-anime fan, or has some name like "Gucci-chan Sorbu Kurusawa Gengy: Requiem Angel Master Dogotsubki" then I am not interested. I am not even interested in looking up the wiki to read about another boring anime that'll be forgotten about in a month. Let's keep this stuff pretty mainstream in regards to anime. 

In regards to non-anime, then you can be obscure. Obscure kids cartoons. Obscure Disney movies. Those work. 




Well since you asked, how about He-Man vs She-Ra?


Moana thiccer than a bowl of oatmeal bruh 😍 Also mark your talking a lot of shit about Gucci-chan but have you watched it midway through season 2 it really starts to pick up like when Kagamaru Yoshike "Johnny" Makimoro discovers his Burning Soul Power actually came to him from himself in the future and not his father because his father is actually one of the Seven Master Hearts locked inside of the Megazone that was pretty cool


LOL! That's exactly what I mean! For some reason I enjoy it when Jojo just makes stuff up, but other anime really annoy me.


I mean I haven't watched anime other than the Eva reboot movies in prob ten years now but I'd like to see Mark draw an old-school 90s-ish anime chick like Lina Inverse


WOW. There are SO MANY armored Ariel sketches and cosplays this design could've been based on and yet it remains both recognizable and entirely original in its execution and design. Kudos man, you definitely flexed your armor muscles on this one.


You mean your favorite to make until it get boring (^_-) the possibilities are really there, like powerpuff girls vs Miss Marvel, thundercats vs silverhawks, just get wild


Could do Rapunzel vs Elsa, both powerful princesses, one controls ice while the other is an avatar of death and destruction

Sleepy Dave

The Miraculous Ladybug with Queen Bee and Rena Rouge vs Sailor Moon and the Sailor Senshi In a handicap match with the Sailor still loosing :P


I actually have fond memories of watching Slayers on the international channel, when it wasn't dubbed or subbed. I had no idea what was going on, but the animation was great.


Yeah, I don't think most people will immediately see Rapunzel like that though, unless they watched the show. Otherwise she's just the girl with long hair. She could go up against . . . I'm not sure. Medusa from the Inhumans? The universes are too different.


Way too many characters for me to handle, but LB for SM is good enough, or any combination of the girls.


Bill bye the science guy (before he was a know commie) vs all child hood characters


Well if we're including anime, how about High School DxD vs Rosario + Vampire?


I've enver heard of either of those, though. It really has to be a Dragonball or Naruto level anime for me to know about it. I also know Jojo.


I know that Bill Nye is a character, but he's identified with the actor, and I don't draw real people.


Oh, how about Beast and Belle vs. Tarzan and Jane? Bookworm girls and thier feral lovers.